Saturday, August 19, 2006

New Art! (finally..)
I'm not letting my sickness hinder my productivity today!! I painted three watercolor-postcards of Portage Lake in Michigan for my great aunts and uncles...I hope they like them! I tried to be more patient with these...they were pretty fun to do even though I used to despise landscapes.
... And then I did a quickie self portrait. Not much patience here...I returned to my old blobbing colors together technique! oh well, it was fun.


At 2:49 AM, Blogger Fabien said...

thats pretty cool... i need to learn how to use my colors better!! did u use pencil first or straight on watercolor?

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Sam said...

colors are fun! I did straight on watercolor for the landscape, and a quick sketchy for the portrait!

At 7:28 PM, Blogger John L said...

For the postcard, did you cut out a piece of watercolor paper? Or did you buy those postcard watercolor paper that they sell?

At 7:31 PM, Blogger John L said...

Opps, I clicked publish too early, lol. But yea I like your landscape piece, the water looks nice too. And is that a hundred dollar bill i see behind it? Rofl.

Haha, oh and what type of watercolor do you use? Do you buy like tubes of them or just the ones that come in a huge set.

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I used postcard paper (so I know where to put the stamp? lol) and I used one of those old fashioned crayola 8 color sets from elementary school..haha.

and wow!! how can you tell what bill that is? I gotta stop leaving my money out if it's that obvious...

At 12:07 AM, Blogger John L said...

Ohhh haha I see. That's pretty crazy work produced from such old school paint.

Lol, well the only words I can decode from the bill are ND and that automatically spells out, Mr. Ben Franklin. Hahaha.

At 12:51 AM, Blogger Sam said...

haha, good detective skills!! yeah,I like mixing colors...


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