icky mondays!

So yeah. Pretty much everyone was half-asleep in class today. As well as out of class. hehehe...I love drawing sleeping people! But my subject woke up and left before I could start shading :( I got tired of sitting outside with no one to draw, so I went to the library to look at random books (which has earned me official nerd status...) and I found this one book titled,
The Scallop: studies of a shell and it's influences on humankind. LOL. but it was pretty cool...like how scallop images were used in ancient greek art, and then in the Renaissance (birth of venus!) It was cool to draw from, and it made my long ass break go by pretty fast!
pretty good drawing just need a bit of work on your neck to head connection =) heh heh i used to have a long break and spend it in the library too.. it was like 3 hrs heh but i mostly just slept! and drew when awake.. i shoulda looked up some books =)
her head was in a really odd position..I kept wondering if it was comfortable! lol. and yes you should have looked at books (instead of napping!!) books are fuuun :D
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