Another me. 
I ended up doing this drawing while listening to two unedited radio podcasts on voodoo, from
Speaking of Faith. It was very interesting, and it allowed me to not concentrate too much on, or completely abandon the drawing (for a few hours at least...) as usual, I think I made my head too big!
Wow - thanks for the link! Now I'll have something to listen to on the plane this week! :D
And since one good link deserves another, here's an essay you might find interesting: Link!
you me fab! we should draw soon! your leaving soon and finals week for me! btw, it's funny seeing your paintings on the blog... they're all small but when u see it in person they're like 200x's bigger.
haha, yes! when are you done with finals? I'm down to draw.
I finish this friday, after that I'm free.
I hope finals went well! Sometime this next week should work..gotta figure out when... :)
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