Wednesday, August 23, 2006

People eating greek food! (yum)

No new drawings today =( this one was from Chicago...too busy packing and worrying...BUT, my next drawings will be done from my cool apartment! woo!


At 3:34 AM, Blogger John L said...

This one's pretty cool, it'll be pretty awesome if you did a light watercolor wash over it. Well there are two ways to approach quick sketches, umm yea pretty lame tip but you can try if you want. What I usually do for a quick sketch is for ex: people. Since they move around and all, I would sketch them in first, usually I look at the figure and its negative shape, like what your doing in your drawing. That's pretty good. Then after I finish the people, I would go back in the people and make them more refined and detailed. Add some hatches \ crosshatches. When I finish drawing the people, I move on to the background "Landscape." Usually, I just go pretty much slow on this part. But on a quick sketch I kinda go fast, but not too fast. Then start adding small details. But in your drawing, your pretty much nailed the drawing, so you don't really have to fix anything in it. But if you want, you can always go back in and add in more detail, or like me.. I like to cheat and add color. Hahaha, well I hope it helps. I suck anyways so you don't have to listen to me if you don't want to. Haha.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Sam said...

thanks for the tips! yeah, I usually go for capturing the "moment" of the drawing (that's usually why mine are so scribbley and unfinished) and I usually never get back to them to add more detail..But I am willing to give it a try! I've never really added color to a sketch without meaning for it to be a colored drawing...but I will also have to try it! (oh, and you don't suck!!)

At 10:42 PM, Blogger John L said...

Ohhh, haha. Are you a crazy art supply shopper? You heard about the ASW (Art Supply Warehouse) in Westminster right? *Oh that place rocks by the way if you don't know about it. :) . But whenever you get a chance, go all out crazy on buying and trying out new tools. I think when you mess around alot with new stuff, creative energy starts flowing like crazy. Since you already got the drawing down, you can go even further and eventually develop your own style! Like, your sketches are really awesome, to be honest. I think when I was about your age I wasn't that good, not that I can remember. But then I kept pushing myself, and kept getting inspired by other artists. Kept trying something new and you know whenever you try out something new, it becomes fun, and when it becomes fun, you learn alot more. Oh and the challenges you do with Fabien really helps too.

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Sam said...

haha, that was really inspirational! I wanna draw now....

but yes, I've been to the Art Supply Warehouse once or's soo cool!! I gotta go soon to get supplies for class..maybe I'll pick up a few extra things to experiment with!


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