Sunday, November 12, 2006

the best part of waking folger's in a cuuup! (haha...that's what it makes me think of...)
I had fuuun sketching today! This is the product of I don't even know how many hours...done with my old school watercolors!! I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out...I guess being sort of patient is good. weee. I can't wait until this week is over...almost Thanksgiving!!


At 12:20 AM, Blogger John L said...

Uploaded it already? That's freaking fast. Anyways, lookin great.

Btw, did you check out Jo chen? I gave you the wrong link. Its..

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Fabien said...

time for my link!!
this is where i see you heading in next couple of years =) and ur picture reminds me of this
this girl is amazing...

i found it under this.. Chicks who Draw Chicks

At 5:04 AM, Blogger Fabien said...

oh ya.. and tell me if theres ne mythological reference =)

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Sam said...

oh boy! lots of links to check out!!

I like Jo Chen!! I wish I could draw guys that good..I am enviousss!

and ooh I like that piece! hmmm...I'm not sure if it's based off any one myth..but it sorta made me think of Atalanta (except she was raised by bears, not wolves..hehe)

At 8:30 PM, Blogger John L said...

Oh, Jo-Chen is a girl. I think shes like 26? Probably around James Jean's age, or older.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Sam said...

haha, I guessed she was a girl, but I love the way she draws guys...I need to practice. and wow, why are all these talented people so damn young??

At 11:37 PM, Blogger John L said...

Haha, yea cuz the first time i heard of her I thought it was a guy, cuz jo sounds like a guy's name.


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