Whew! I am totally out of drawing shape. I felt like I'd been running after 2 hours of straight gesture drawing!! My arm...oh man. And we're working on 24"x36"--which is extreeemely inconvenient...they don't fit in my art locker, and carrying around the super heavy big drawing bored gave me blisters all over my hands =(
But back to drawing...we started with 2 minute poses, going down to 1 min, 3o seconds, and then 15 sec. I think I like 30 the best!! Most of them are terrible! But Domenic says that you will do 150 bad drawings, and maybe the 151th one will be OK. haha. The first one was an earlier one, and the second one started out as a 15 second, but he had us keep working on it for a while..I have no clue how long..a few minutes? it was fun...and exhausting! woo.
Damn, good stuff. Have you been taking life drawing classes? Or is this your first?
Oh and the blisters all over your hand... You will get used to it. Rofl.
I took some during high school, I just need to get back into practice!
ughghghg...nooo......I don't want to get used to it!! blah.
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