Napkin drawing!

I messed up on my bf's I drew him a funky gas mask instead. hm, kind of apocalyptic, yum toxic tea!
LACMA was cool, the Magritte exhibit wasn't up yet, but I got to see a few of his paintings in the modern section!
Now I have to write my two paper on the sculptures I analysed....yaaay!
Lacma huh. Awesome.
Lol, dude the napkin looks so depressing. All those dark colors. Makes me not want to not drink green tea again at Tea Zone. Lol. j/k that'll never happen greentea rockssss!!! does look pretty depressing..but I only had black to work with!! I am in the mood for some green tea..
cool stuff very dark! my favorite parts are the octopus and the fisH! oh yea and the smiley cloud! seems like hes undersea!
so when is magritte gonna be up??
oh yea! and when are you gonna introduce me to america HRMMM"!??!?! did you use to talk to her? whats she like hrmm hrmm?!!?
Magritte comes to Lacma on Nov. 19th! and America was a senior when I was a freshman!! But I saw her in the school
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