Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I knew I had to do at least one self portrait while on break, so here it is (pardon the picture, it turned out very yellow for some reason). I did the one on the left over a week ago, and just finished up a day or two ago (I need deadlines to ever get stuff done..ugh) but anyway, on to the usual reasons of why I'm never completely pleased with anything--the left one is too imagey, and has too much contrast, the right one has too little contrast and I lost some definition with sloppy brushwork. But overall they were fun to do!

Gotta pack, heading back to Long Beach tomorrow, and a new semester of drawing and painting marvelousness!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

a little still life.

I was inspired to do a still life last night after seeing some beautiful work by Jonathan Bernard Koch

I obviously have a lot of work to do! But I thought his persimmons were especially lovely, and we happened to have some (and they don't look very lovely at all..but I think I at least captured their color..)

Monday, January 07, 2008

Class stuff.

These were the last in-class assignments we did in life painting. Our living room is a mini art gallery right now...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Doggie Dreams.
I did these two miniatures of Maya yesterday during the rainy gloom. I'm hoping to get my studio easel soon so I can work on something more large-scale for the last few weeks of break...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Change is in the wind.

Happy New Year :) Just a quick painting of my dog I spat out today. It was the first time I've worked from a photograph in a looong time, but I'm not sure if I like the process (of course, it is nice to have an un-moving model..) Not sure what to paint next....we shall seee.