Sunday, December 31, 2006

tired from driving...
Woo..I got my pastels back! Drew a quickie of my dog..she was very lazy tonight, and a good model! My new years resolution is to draw more I guess. Not just drawing, but putting more time and effort into it...trying more materials and subjects...etc, etc. Hope everyone has a good new years!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A quick self portrait I did last week before coming home. Now I'm home...and I haven't drawn much at all!! =( how sad...well, I hope everyone had a nice holiday season! Maybe I'll do a bit of art tomorrow..we shall see.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Here is my freaking life sized self portrait!! haha, the I couldn't get the lighting right--so you get to see two of them! ugh, it's apporoximately 4 feet by 6 feet..Drove me to madness in more ways than one...drawing your own decapitated head is a trippy experience. And of course, there is a myth! Here I am both Perseus and Medusa, the hero and the monster, logic and chaos, etc. Domenic seemed to like it, but I gotta work some more on defining the ground plane. He also told me to re-draw it in two years after I learn more, and see how it turns out! to go rest my mind(s)...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

master forgery.
still nothing new....damn finals! but here is my last drawing homework...copied from Pontormo in red pastel and conte crayon! I guess the next thing I will post (eventually) will be the massive self-portrait. Until then...gotta work!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Still nothing terribly new...I did this over thanksgiving break, in my latest altered-book/sketchbook project! It's fun, but going very slow so all the homework I've been swamped in. I really need to start my life drawing final project....a life sized full body self portrait, in a real/imaginary/dream setting!!! will take foreeever!