Wednesday, November 29, 2006

more old school stuff. internet suckssss! And I'm overall mad at computers and technology. I only got 2 of my classes, the rest are waitlisted....BLAH. ok, well whilst I am here at Starbucks I will post another old thing, cause I don't have any pictures of my new stuff. But I have begun a new project..bum bum BUM!! But anyway, this is one of my old super-hero designs...proportions are off, but what else is new. Man it's COLD. ok, enough complaining...I'm just grumpy.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Quiet is the new loud.'s morning! So I can't sleep, and I don't realy have anything new to here is another old thing from high school! It's Beauty and the Beast-esque...done in colored pencils (which I hate..ugh, they take waay too long) Dude. I think I just heard the newspaper truck outside....

Oh well, here is the song currently stuck in my head...Kings of Convenience--misread. Goodnight!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Studies (a great strength of feet)
Domenic had us do a study of a part of the body today. I worked on feet since they are challenging to me (hm, but maybe I should have done hands..haha) I reallllly need to go work on my master forgery.........but oh man..I had weird dreams. I traveled across the river Styx (which was a road surrounded by lava) in Charon's boat (my car?) with my sister and grandparents to visit my great-aunt Ruth in the underworld (Palm Springs..)


My life drawing from Thursday...only a one day pose for me since I already finished my long one! Ugh, I had to rush to finish...the hand majorly sucks. OH WELL. I met with my art advisor today and finally figured out my schedule! woo. And I went to a "cosmetic party" type thing with some friends...nice people trying to sell us stuff and get us to sell stuff too! I drew her cute doggie, and got my make-up done...not a total loss, and I am now in love with RED lipstick. One more day, then I get to go hoooome =)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Um, started drawing this in the library..I was inspired by Albrecht Durer's lovely etchings (but mine is not so lovely...) I've narrowed my "master forgery" homework thing down to either Durer, Degas, and Pontormo. Ah, I don't know what classes to take next semester!! Painting (for sure) Illustration (??), Printmaking (maybe?), Watercolor??? Ugh. well, one more day of crap, and then the weeeekend!! When are you guys free to sketch??

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So my 2 week pose ended up only being a week and a half :( I wasn't too pleased with it (and we had a figity model..) but Domenic gave me back the one week pose from a bit ago! So here that is. Annnd the first one was a sketch I did of some dude at the bus stop yesterday that I ended up watercoloring during my lunch break! What a manly post this has been...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

the best part of waking folger's in a cuuup! (haha...that's what it makes me think of...)
I had fuuun sketching today! This is the product of I don't even know how many hours...done with my old school watercolors!! I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out...I guess being sort of patient is good. weee. I can't wait until this week is over...almost Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

I Haven't had time to draw these past few days, but I found some of my old stuff from high school this last I thought I'd used it for filler! This was from my last sketchbook before graduating. At the time I was obsessed with sharpie and detail...what the hell happened??? haha, I miss those days of having hours and hours of class just to draw straight through..I got so much done!

OH!!! I found out yesterday that I was accepted into the Drawing and Painting BFA program :)))) yaaaay! ok, back to writing my art history paper.....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

searching for the wind.

Another Psyche. This one draws from the Norwegian version, East of the Sun, West of the Moon. haha, at least the golden apples are from that version. Umm..done in pencil, sharpie, and gold ink.

I think I might be selling jewelry and stuff at an art show in Long Beach this weekend, if everything works out......excitedness!! You guys want to sell any art? hmmm??

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


We started a 2 week pose today. TWO WEEKS!! ahhh...oh well, I have a good start, I'm just worried about finishing too soon. These are some guestures--one from last week, one from today. And then a sketch of a Psyche-esque heroine embarking on a journey. I'm relating to her more and more these days...

Saturday, November 04, 2006


My Halloween costume! I was severly disappointed with college students this year...I only saw a handful of costumes on campus. le sigh! But eh, I had fun even though my hair took foreveeer to do and it wasn't even as crazy as I'd hoped it would be. haha, gotta take advantage of my one day to dress weird without getting too many odd looks!!!

oh..dude, this is my 100th post! uuuh...I will post a video to commemorate it? Here is Regina Spektor's Fidelity! I never loved nobody fully. That is all.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Ugh, I haven't had internet at my apartment for a weeeek!!! Here are my life drawings from last week. Charcoal is fun! This week we worked on one drawing over two days, and Domenic liked mine so it's going in the foundation art show!! (But I didn't get a picture of it, so too bad!) haha, and these are my 25 (or so) artichoke drawings. some of them really suck..but that's what I get for doing them at the last minute...oh yes, happy belated Halloween!!