more old school stuff.

doodles, rambles, art, etc.
more old school stuff.
Quiet is the new loud.
Studies (a great strength of feet)
the best part of waking folger's in a cuuup! (haha...that's what it makes me think of...)
searching for the wind.
Another Psyche. This one draws from the Norwegian version, East of the Sun, West of the Moon. haha, at least the golden apples are from that version. Umm..done in pencil, sharpie, and gold ink.
I think I might be selling jewelry and stuff at an art show in Long Beach this weekend, if everything works out......excitedness!! You guys want to sell any art? hmmm??
My Halloween costume! I was severly disappointed with college students this year...I only saw a handful of costumes on campus. le sigh! But eh, I had fun even though my hair took foreveeer to do and it wasn't even as crazy as I'd hoped it would be. haha, gotta take advantage of my one day to dress weird without getting too many odd looks!!!
oh..dude, this is my 100th post! uuuh...I will post a video to commemorate it? Here is Regina Spektor's Fidelity! I never loved nobody fully. That is all.